Thursday 26 June 2014

Un Jour a Le Lac

Yesterday was a warm sunny day and we decided to walk by the lake. The Lac de Bassillon is actually a reservoir close to where we are staying and has a circular walk laid out around it. We have visited previously, but never until now fully appreciated the wealth of wildlife that abounds there. We managed to spend six hours there and only walked half of it.
It was quiet when we arrived, only one jogger and a walker parked up so we set off with high hopes. Soon we were shooting a variety of Dragonflies and Damselflies, not to mention the odd bird, mainly wildfowl. It was so pleasing to see Great Crested Grebe chicks sitting on mummy's back as she serenely moved around, while some of the older ones were following on behind very noisily.
Probably the highlight was the Otter sighting, not once, but three times. Unlike the Blandford contingent, these are very shy and were soon away once they spotted us. The plan for today was to go back and try to get a shot, but it seems the weatherman has other ideas. Hopefully tomorrow, otherwise they will have to wait for another time.

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