Monday 10 March 2014

A Rest from the Spoonbills

After two days of solid Spoonbill chasing, we decided to take a rest from that and ventured down to RSPB Radipole Lake to see what was on offer. The day started promisingly with a pair of Great Crested Grebe doing a courtship dance near the concrete bridge. Looking into the sun, a silhouette shot really didn't do the spectacle justice, so we moved on to where we had been told there were Bearded Tits. There was nothing doing in that respect, but very soon we came upon a pair of Long Tailed Tits busily nest building and we started to look for THE shot. A dead tree in close proximity offered what we needed, but as ever the wildlife had other ideas.
So about 90 minutes later we were still there having photographed them in a variety of poses and light conditions as they came and went. Sometimes they would be gone for ten minutes, other times only for about thirty seconds as they gathered lichen and moss to build their new home. In that time THE shot was only offered twice and this was one of the results. They don't perch for long before they move off again, maybe only to another branch, but on other times to a distant tree.
The rest of the visit was something of an anti-climax. We heard reports of Marsh Harrier activity closer to the North hide than normal in the morning, but saw nothing and there had been a brief glimpse of the Kingfisher. So without further ado we decided to adjourn and found ourselves drawn back to RSPB Lodmoor. 
The closest shot of a single Spoonbill was on offer from the Western path, before it flew back to the distant location they seem to have favoured on this visit. We later learned that the other three had flown away from the reserve earlier in the afternoon.
And so to today, where we have found out that the Bearded Tits were back at Radipole late afternoon, well after we had left. Our friend Frank Gardiner has posted up some beautiful shots of them. I guess that's more unfinished business for us.


  1. A very nice write-up Ian. I will be following your blog with interest as I notice that you visit many of the places we do. I'm also interested because I'm currently creating my own website incorporating a locations section, travelogue and UK journal. I wish you and Rose all the best with your photographic safaris. One day we may join you, but at present we have the next couple of year's trips already in the pipeline.

    Best Regards,
    Tony (tickspics)

    1. Hi Tony, many thanks for your interest. I'm afraid things have slipped a bit and too far for my liking, but a weekend of shooting, hundreds of images to go through and life in general have just got in the way. I propose to keep this to at least a weekly update, but if things get busy photographically, I may manage to do more.
      Current issue I am concentrating on is finalising the itinerary for the September 2015 trip. My people in South Africa are keen for us to progress it, but don't currently understand that people do plan over twelve months in advance. I think they're also trying to hedge their bets as the value of the Rand against the Pound has started to rise again.
      Sounds as though like us, you plan well in advance, but keep your eye on what we are up to and let's hope you can come with us one day soon.
      Next trip is to Anglesey next weekend for the Red Squirrels and maybe the Red Kites at Gigrin Farm on the way up or back.
      Take care,
