Saturday 20 February 2016

London Buses

I know, there's been nothing for two months or more and now here's a second post in around 24 hours. A bit like London buses as they say, hence the title. It's not as if I have anything sensible to blog about either.
Today has been a game of two halves, Parkrun this morning and image sorting this afternoon. Not that I am able to take part in Parkrun at the moment, but it's a good opportunity to do some volunteering. With my background, the lead bike job is right up my street. A couple of times today I needed an extra kick to keep ahead of the lead runner and the ability to ride forwards while facing backwards is always a help.
But what has this to do with wildlife you're probably thinking. In truth nothing, more to show that I do have other interests. But on the way around, I noticed there was a lot of Goldfinch activity at Lodmoor and two Buzzards showing nicely in Came Park when I extended my ride home.
Now you're wondering about the significance of the Mandarin image, but that is more logically explained. This afternoon's sorting revealed this previously unpublished image from a trip to the Slimbridge Wetlands Centre in January last year. Hopefully I'm back on song now and will blog on a more regular basis. Don't think it will be daily though.

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